Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2007 Directions

I'm getting older. Time is something that...defines who I am. How I spend this year will have a great impact on my life, whether it be for the better or worse. Thus I take my time to architect the year, or at least have pointers that I can follow to minimise the time lost floating around. These are a list of things that I think are of high priority.

- Spend time more wisely
Don't go out just because I am bored, stop web surfing for no reason and read something that will increase knowledge or wisdom, or build my character
- Clean up my language
- Get off my ass and do something about it when there is something to do
- Read more books and good articles to broaden my view

- Quit smoking...
- Reduce alcohol consumption
- Continue working out for fitness with more emphasis on cardiovascular training
- Resume training Shorinji Kempo
- Practise golf and other sports, such as snowboarding, tennis, bowling and table tennis in spare time

- Strengthen relationships with friends and broaden social network
- Become more active and expressive while becoming more true
- Thrive to build mutually constructive relationships
"As iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens another"
- Perhaps get acquaintance with more girls :D

- Find a work place worth spending the next 2 years in. Keep looking.
- Do the best in whatever is in front of me for work is sacred
Don't get the laziness get the better of me. I know how it feels when I haven't given it my 100%

- Save at least $10,000
- Watch my expenditure: don't spend on useless stuff.
Each $20 is one hour of my life expended (although I do gain something intangible in the process)
- Don't let my car be number one posession

Tuesday, January 2, 2007


This be my public blog