Friday, April 27, 2007


Now it's been three weeks at intergen after I joined as a senior-gradish developer with 1 year experience in the belt.

We are a totally different company compared to e-learnings - structure, culture, process, people, projects...basically everything! Luckily for me, there are lots of cool things happening at intergen.

I can't say they're are a perfect company - but they are striving in the right direction for sure. And that gives me hope. We shall see how it turns out. I haven't been here long enough to say anything definative.

What are some of the good points?

  • Professionalism - as expected, they strive to do a great job
  • Continued effort to fix what is wrong and thus improve. Many of the things I had some issues with are being dealt with - and that is before I spoke up about it
  • Great culture. These people know how to have fun while working...
  • Great people, of course there are great people behind great culture :)
  • Generally interested in my career development - they acknowledge the importance of it and strive to help out

These are just some of them off the top of my head. There are lots of things happening all the time really, it is quite a dynamic company from what I have seen so far.

I am quite looking forward to how I could progress at this place. I have my concerns still but we shall see how things turn out. Things are looking promising at this stage at least.

Quoting Shaun from 20/20 initiative recap meeting, "There is this thing that is creeping in. You guys may be familiar with it - Strategic Hindrance to Important Tasks; SHIT."

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